Europese Kunstunie / European Art Union

What is
The European Art Union?

The European Art Union is a foundation, furthermore it is an ideal. It wants to serve art, to offer the artists an international elbowroom intensify. The dialogue between the makers and the lovers of art.

At the roots stands Paul Bruno Schreiber, an artist, an idealist who in every possible way has lived a life in service of the arts. He will always be famous on behalf of his book “ Myrthe and the Demons”, also in German: “Myrthe und die Damonen”, and the film, which is made after the book and has got the same title, under the direction of Paul Bruno Schreiber.

Schreiber founded the European Art Union in 1936.

The foundation intensifies from the beginning on, the foundation intensified contacts, organized exhibitions and took care of book editions. It started its hibernation, after the death of Schreiber in 1980. In 1988, the European Art Union was breathen new life into by Wijk van Klaveren, Schreibers son in law, and the artist and photographer Dirk de Herder. He contributed to the film version of “Myrthe and the Demons” when he was still a young cameraman.

At present thirty artists join the Union. Exhibitions are organized in numberless countries. A convincing start was made with the publication of art books.

(Marinus Schroevers 1988)

After the death of Dirk de Herder in 2003 the legacy of Dirk de Herder, including the European Art Union, is being taken care for by the Dutch artists Sara Benhamou, Jenny Melissen, Eric de Vries and Paul Wiegerinck. They promote the work of Dirk de Herder with exhibitions and by publishing this website.